My God Is The God Who Provides

Oh my goodness… what a week!! From a crazy abundance of rain to ridiculous amounts of planning, it has been a been the best/worst week.

First, the worst: I am SUCH a planner!! Which can be good to an extent. However, one of my weaknesses is getting stressed and having girly-panic moments whenever dealing with unknowns… Now that I am planning the biggest event of my life thus far (my wedding!!), it’s about triple the amount of things to stress about in about 1/5 the time! Making lists, getting advice from a million people (again, good to an extent), prioritizing, finding a dress, coordinating plans with my fiancee (who happens to be 4 states away and in AIT), music, money, budgets, and all the while trying to figure out what I want and at the same time trying not to step on any toes…. OH! Sigh… I have to say that I have let it get to me…

BUT, the good WAY outweighs the bad…. I have rediscovered that God works His best when I am at my worst. I got to a point where I knew I couldn’t do anymore, and I had to hand it over to God. I have to admit that I tried to take control, somewhat unknowingly at first. I thought, God has brought me & Austin together and blessed our relationship, continually leading us and growing us in Him. So I figured, well, God is doing His part, so it’s up to me to plan and work out the details of our wedding… I know, crazy right??

So God gave me another reality check…. God truly is the ultimate Father. He let me know what was right (to always follow Him and seek Him first, in everything), but when I decided to make my own decisions, He let me. And when I turned back to Him, He welcomed me with open arms and a gentle reminder that I am to trust Him in ALL things, even the small little details.

Through it all, Austin & I have had some deep and meaningful conversations with each other and God. And as our day grows closer, we are also growing closer together and letting God prepare us for the new level of our relationship: husband & wife.

While there is much more to do concerning our wedding day, the pieces are steadily falling into place in miraculous ways: only God can accomplish this!! From provisions for the reception, to a great supply of genuine and willing volunteers, wonderful family & friends, finding a dress in an unlikely place…. everyday is another opportunity for me to rely on God, and for Him to work.

As for me & Austin, we are preparing for the next stage of our relationship and the next stage of our lives as God’s children… A question that has been rolling around my mind lately, is what do Austin and I want out of our marriage? What is our purpose?

Together we have decided that our purpose, first and foremost, is to seek Christ… and secondly to leave traces of God in our relationship with each other, our families and friends, in our circumstances, our opportunities, our location, and anywhere that God leads.

Colossians 2:6-7 “So then, Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Thank you Jesus for who you are! Thank you for providing for us in times of need, and for walking with us always, even in times of thriving. Whatever our needs, You provide for them in the best way: Your way. And even though I cannot see the bigger picture, and sometimes don’t understand Your timing, I’m trusting You! Thank You for Your work today – be with and bless those who are giving…

About Eskew

I'm 23 years old and married to the love of my life, Austin, a medic in the US Army... The next few years hold deployment, figuring out school, and life in general. Life is changing for both of us, and through it all we are keeping God the center and growing closer to Him and each other, even though we will be far apart at times. This is to keep family and friends updated on our life, and for God to use as He sees fit.
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