God’s Workings

Woah… God has such a way of showing/telling us exactly what we need when we need it. I went to a college Bible study tonight called Echo… I’ll write more about it tomorrow, but basically God has given me a peace about my situation. I’ve always “known” that God is faithful and in control, ya know, the whole Jeremiah 29:11 deal… But now I feel like I am actually living it out – my faith. I have a peace and confidence about mine and Austin’s future, our tomorrow, our 7 weeks, our next year, and the next 50 years… I have the bare minimum of information, but that’s ok. If you had asked me that even a mere 12 hours ago, I would have laughed or gone into a tizzy about my worries and plans and what not… all I have to say now is, How Dare I??? How dare I try to take the seat of God? He is the One in control, not me. He is the one who has planned my future, not me. He is the one in control of the entire universe, working everything together for His purpose, absolutely not me…. Read Job 38 (Austin’s favorite verses by the way) where God responds to Job. After all of Job’s prayers and his friends and family’s input about his situation, God draws the line and goes on asking Job, where were you when I made the universe?? Where were you when I did all these things I do, because I AM GOD!!

Woah… again I say. Reality check from the Creator. Whether I realized it or not, I like to play “God” of my own life. I like to feel like I am in control, I have a plan, I know what’s going on… However, in this current situation of a million unknowns, what I do know is God is God and He is in control, not me, and He has placed Austin in my life  to be my partner, my best friend, my love, my husband… I have to say I let the situation rule my thoughts and actions over the past few days, but God has given me the Proverbial “wake-up call” that I needed… God is obviously bigger than my situation, and Has a plan! Let’s go God… Here we are, surrendering our will to yours.

“… He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

About Eskew

I'm 23 years old and married to the love of my life, Austin, a medic in the US Army... The next few years hold deployment, figuring out school, and life in general. Life is changing for both of us, and through it all we are keeping God the center and growing closer to Him and each other, even though we will be far apart at times. This is to keep family and friends updated on our life, and for God to use as He sees fit.
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1 Response to God’s Workings

  1. Thanks for sharing girl! This was encouraging to me to read today and exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for sharing what the Lord is teaching you. I’m excited to see what His plans are for you and Austin.

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