Everything Coming Together For Good

What a week!! I never knew so much could happen all at the same time! I guess this is just preparation for my army-wife lifestyle 🙂

I’m so human… God never ceases to amaze me with Who He is, and how He works everything for His purpose. I should know this by now! But God wouldn’t be God if I understood all of His workings…

Everything is coming together with wedding planning!! My mom, sister, and I went to a bridal shop to check out veils… we ended up finding my veil (love it), shoes (the last of this kind that my sister found on sale – and that can be dyed to match my dress), a sash (that now we don’t have to find fabric for), and a headband (on ridiculous sale!), and got my alterations done all at the same place!! A-mazing 🙂 While my dress is simple, I LOVE how it is turning out with the sash and little accessories…

I’ve been playing the longest/biggest game of phone-tag ever! But my cousin is making my wedding cake 🙂 such a blessing! And we finally (I think?) found ties for the guys to wear that “coordinate” with Austin’s Class A’s…

While all my planning is going on and I’m figure out school work and projects and work schedules… Austin has completed all of his testing for AIT!! Passing/Excelling with flying colors 🙂 and Honors for graduation! He has studied and worked SO hard and I am SO SO SO beyond proud of him!! He tells me stories all the time about putting in IV’s and the steps to process a patient, and a whole bunch of other things that I have no clue about haha, but he is so excited… this is exactly what he is supposed to be doing!! Basically, what an EMT learns in a year-long course and training, Austin learned in 8 weeks… He is EMT certified as well as trained in combatives (a fighting/survival training) as well as the “Whiskey” side or the combat medic side of his medical training. He is done with testing and is basically waiting to graduate… He leaves Wednesday for FTX (or a field-training program where he is out “in the field” for two weeks. Which also means I won’t be able to talk to him while he’s on the trip 😦 sigh…

But the events of this past week (not being able to talk to him for a few days due to some strange circumstances with some stupid army guys…. long story) have helped prepare me… also, not being able to communicate with each other during my E. Asia trip this summer (6 weeks!) was also a time of preparation. We both know that we are in God’s hands, and will protect us and guide us, even when we can’t talk to each other… We have such a strong connection to each other as well as a love with Christ at the center of it, that we can endure anything and still continue to grow closer to God and each other 🙂 If you’re interested, remind me to tell you the longer story about this past year…

I am trusting God through it all, not without saying that I have had some rough moments on my part… I am a worrier and a planner (two of the most incompatible things with army life – yay?) and sometimes fall into my old tendencies of “panic” moments when I let the weight of everything land on my shoulders… but God is faithful ALWAYS, not matter how many times I through myself into a worrying-frenzy, there is something or someone or some circumstance that reminds me that I cannot control my circumstances, but I can rely on the ONE who is in control… I am shaping my worries into prayers

So this week holds for me: 1. Returning to work full-time (aka early early mornings!) 2. Homework & projects (which I need to get done early so I can enjoy the two weeks Austin is home!) 3. A to-do list a mile long of little details to take care of in the next few weeks 4. My Shower!!

Goals for the week: STAY OFF CAFFEINE!! 🙂 so no one can say I didn’t try haha… Check 5 things off my list… Get 3 school projects completed/mostly completed… and get to bed at a decent hour 🙂

26 DAYS TILL I MARRY MY SOLDIER!!! And I have NO doubts, NO fears, NO worries… only hope, excitement, smiles, butterflies, and a prayer that time will absolutely crawl the second he steps off the plane and into my arms again…

Btw, I LOVE the “Message” version of the Bible… it puts things into a new perspective for me

Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Philippians 4:6-7

About Eskew

I'm 23 years old and married to the love of my life, Austin, a medic in the US Army... The next few years hold deployment, figuring out school, and life in general. Life is changing for both of us, and through it all we are keeping God the center and growing closer to Him and each other, even though we will be far apart at times. This is to keep family and friends updated on our life, and for God to use as He sees fit.
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