In the Desert & the Harvest

Finally!! I’m able to update…

Austin came home Tuesday November 3!! A huge group of friends & family met him at the airport with posters, cookies, hugs, & happy tears 🙂 It was awesome to see the love & support for him!

We had a glorious few days before the wedding, spending every second we could together, last-minute planning and errand-running, family & friends vying for our attention… While it was hectic and filled with doing this and that, Austin & I enjoyed every minute!

Friday came and the rehearsal went well 🙂 Austin went with the guys for their “Guys Night” and Jennifer & I went to…. Starbucks, of course! Us old-ladies didn’t stay out too late, wanting to be rested for the morning! We both arrived SO early, which made me feel nervous because there was nothing I could do but wait!!

All the planing, stressing, doing, going, worrying, calling… disappeared the moment I walked through the doors on my daddy’s arm, with my veil down, flowers in hand, and saw Austin standing there waiting for me 🙂 All the waiting and planning, for this amazing moment. All I have to say is – TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!

November 7, 2009            Mr. & Mrs. Eskew

The whole day was beautiful 🙂 but went by in a whirlwind… it was the most unique, perfect experience, like everything was flying by but crawling at the same time. All that mattered was that he was by my side 🙂

Our ceremony was traditional, but we made it our own… We faced the crowd, while our Pastor Jerry faced us. I loved that the whole ceremony was about us and the message came straight from the Bible! The music was beautiful, and tears were accompanied by smiles 🙂 Austin & I held it together until we saw our dear friend Don with tears streaming… followed by all of our friends & family!!

I thought it was difficult to get the attention of my family at one time… but attempting to round up all of my family & all of Austin’s family was the hardest part of the day!! 🙂 Everyone was talking and snapping pictures and talking more! But we eventually got through pictures and our photographer Mark Elkins and his wife Jaclyn whisked us away for our own photo shoot 🙂 I am SO excited to see the pictures!! Thank you Lissa & Brent, and Mom & Dad 🙂 You don’t know how much it means to us… Such a blessing!

We took extra-long with our photographer ( but making everyone wait only made our entrance that much more anticipated and exciting 🙂

The food… Amazing!! Thank you JoAnne & everyone who helped with the food & reception!! It was beautiful and so memorable 🙂 By the time we arrived and danced in front of everyone, they had all eaten! Fortunately, plates had been saved for us… and while Austin chowed down on his plate, I was aware of photos being taken everywhere and didn’t want pictures of myself stuffing my face with chicken wings!! 🙂

The speeches were SO meaningful and made the reception! What a blessing to hear from our loved ones… I will remember it forever! Not to mention Mr. Willman stalking us with a video camera haha

One of my favorite parts was leaving… being assaulted by bubbles, Cristi frantically writing on our windows with her lipstick, reopening the door for the photographer, and driving a mile down the road, u-turning, and coming right back to the church to get our stuff!! So us…

Finally!! We were on our way to the lake house… another blessing that God completely orchestrated. We looked at each other, and at the same time smiled so big and bursted out laughing!! Oh how I love my husband!! He even stopped by taco bell because I was starving 🙂 That’s true love right there…

Four blissful days later, we returned home to spend time with family & friends, which of course didn’t go according to our plan… what does? But we didn’t regret one second of our time…

Yesterday, I took my Hubby to the airport… they let me go back to the gate to see him off 🙂 So thankful for the nice people there. Every day is a new experience in our marriage – unlike any other. But hey, who wants life to be boring & predictable? Ours wasn’t before and certainly never will be. We have a new and exciting adventure before us, and being apart for a few weeks is only the first step. He is preparing for me, and I am preparing to join him 🙂 Step two is our new life together in Germany!! Followed by a two-year “honeymoon” where it’s going to be me, him, & God. What better way to begin a marriage??

God has brought us this far, preparing us for marriage and our life together… He obviously thinks we are ready for this next step. Show us the way Lord, make our paths straight and our hearts open and our eyes focused on You!

All we ask for now is prayer… that Austin will get acquainted with his new job and environment, and that everything will go smooth and work out quickly for me to join him before Christmas. Until then, every day is another day for God to grow us closer to Him and to each other, even half a world apart for the time being.

So, to everyone who sees and/or talks to their significant other every day… being able to wake up next to them in the morning, call them whenever you need them… be thankful. Don’t stress over the small stuff! Don’t make big deals out of little things, and enjoy every minute you have with the ones you love.

I am grateful and blessed that Austin was able to call for a two-minute conversation to let me know he was there & safe… and I trust that he is taking care of what he needs to there to prepare for me, and I am praying non-stop for him until the next phone call 🙂 Life abundant, life full, not life easy… thank you Jesus for the times in the desert, for all I can do is rely on you.

All of my life, in every season, You are still God, I have a reason… I know I’m filled to be emptied again.

About Eskew

I'm 23 years old and married to the love of my life, Austin, a medic in the US Army... The next few years hold deployment, figuring out school, and life in general. Life is changing for both of us, and through it all we are keeping God the center and growing closer to Him and each other, even though we will be far apart at times. This is to keep family and friends updated on our life, and for God to use as He sees fit.
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